
Thursday, November 10, 2011

im here, but im gone.

hi, i just wrote this long, kind of dark. but honest, piece about my loss of any passion for this world, accept for the love and responsibility for my young (17) @ (10) year old kids. now i am not able to comr up with the, rnergy to re-do it. i hope u are all ok and doing well. id love for someone to write me. thanks, troy

its been a while.

just in case anyone ever reads this, or even sees it, i thought maybe i should writr or say something. the problem is i been feeling so uninspired about life for so long now, i havnt had any will or energy to do anything morr then what i have to do for my kids, and act like im not a fucked up, almost lifeless person. if i didnt havr those 2 young kids (17) & (10) years ild, i cant imagine what else would be keeping me here anymore. i just sometimes sort of frrl like ; ok, ive done & experienced a good enough amount of life, and being how ive lost all other passion's, i think maybe ill get out of here. well i hope you Allan are doing o.k, and i hope to hear from someone soon. troy

Saturday, August 6, 2011

whatever happend to society's defenition of addiction having to actually involve an intake of chemicals, not merely just any behavior which involves what someone may label as wrong, imoral, or just plain being an a-hole?

What the #@*%...... Today I guess if u fuck your neighbors wife, instead of being a douches bag, just say u have a "sex addiction" and I suppose instead of a good old fashioned ass kicking, u get to spend some time in a so called re-hab..... Just one example of how society seems to have been able to take any frowned upon behavior, call it an addiction. and instead of being exposed as a knob you get sympathy. and admiration.. ????

in light of modern times use of the word "addiction" ie.(internet, porn, food, fucking the neighbors wife.......)

As a junkie myself ( which I take to mean an addiction to heroin) doesn't t

Sunday, May 29, 2011

jim morrison/lost american treasure

Another beautiful artist DEAD. Age 27. Just think about the great loss to so many. And for what. Being like me and having to be chemically enhanced at all times. 27, a baby really. An American icon. Lost to his family and friend, lost to us, and sad as all. Lost to himself. I think maybe some of us come into this world with something broke. And spend our whole lives trying to fix it. And ironically its our own society, whether it be greed, ignorance, or just trying to feel like a normal fucking person, that teaches us to change our moods and feelings with chemicals. Ive been poisoning myself for 25 yrs, and still don't seem to get the message. So much loss, including my heartbeat for ten minutes, conscious for a week, 8 broken ribs from c.p.r, followed by doctors removing half of my right lung due to my ribs schreading and punctureing it did not even faze me. It only made my life a lot less stressful for the next month, thanks to fentaynl patched I had stuck all over my body, and that wonderfully self administration morphine pump the good Dr's allowed me to have. Well at least until they did a little digging and noticed the several detox facilities I enjoyed about every 6 months for many years prior. If you read this whole rambling, semi-cohearnt mumbling. Well, thank you, and your much more tolerant then me.


another artist who lost his soul, then his life (27yrs) for the privledge of self poison

Thursday, May 26, 2011

where did I go!

therir I was

wondering, who I was

where did I go

why am I moving so slow

I know I hide it somewhere,

where the fuck could it be

Holy shit, its all ready 3!

Where did I go....... please no,not again, im inside of me
