
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

here i go falling again.

I often wonder, if its even posible for me,  and many others to live w/out using chemicals after a certain point. I myself have been using, and in the beginning enjoying intoxicants since my middle teens. And once i went off to college @ 17, i can havd been taking, then eventually switching to more powerfull drugs along the way, and it feels like i woke up one day during a breif abstanance, and realized i 39, i feel like i somehow missed quite a few years of my now empty life. Now I'm 41 and after a breif period afew years back feel like I'm really sloping away. When i was young, i was strong, had things i liked to do, i started my business (gonenow about 7 years), had great success financially, and enjoyed, what i did, i loved my workers, we were kinda like a big family.  At around 30 yrs. I stumbled upon Vicodin, which i looked at as a kiddy drug. But when i took a couple, which was for pain, i felt so good, but not intoxicated. And this was after i cycled through most starter drugs, which i would enjoy one for a year or two n just sort of lose the good feeling it gave me n stop.i remember in college drinking and smoking and eating acid like popcorn, and i was happy. Then i went through powder coke, then smoking it,lost interest in n stooped taking that. during all this i was building a company and more importantly raiseing my daughter who's momma left when she was about six months old. I'm tired n don't feel like typing anymore, so ill call this part 1 of?    TT


  1. I have a new doctor and he says the medication was screwing me up so he took me off everything. Troy please call me. I promise i wont let you down. I have always been one hundred percent loyal to you. It practically killed me when you started blowing off and than came back and than started blowing me off. Exspecially when my worst fear came troy that as soon as you got your social security you would get rid. It kills me more each day that your gone my friend. Please stop this. It doesnt feel better. It feels worse. Please be my friend again. At least talk to me. Let me know u still exist. Tammy 262-744-9261

  2. Android login v1. It has full access to your phone. Revoke access troy and the hacking will stop if its still going on. It wasnt me

  3. Please at least tell me how to file bancrupcy. I have no cars that work so please pick up the papers for me. You promised you would help. Im asking you to keep one promise out of a hundred. You bancrupted me and destroyed my credit. You owe me that much

  4. Why are you lying to people and having them call and text me. Why did you break all your promises. Why did you tske rvery penny i had and than when you got your social security. Tell me i was never your friend just a childhood fantasy. Every guy in highschool wanted to date me. I barely new you in highschool. Why wont you go get the birth and death certificates for the baby. Why did you use me. I dropped out of school and didnt pay them and now the irs is after me. You said you would pay all that money back when you got your social security. You said i was your guardian angel and who knows what the future holds. You lead me believe in a text that we would be friends no matter what. You told me you would help me get a used car. I was in two car accidents and i gave you all the money. 4000.00 would of bought me a really good car but you didnt have any food, electricity and you couldnt pay your rent so i borrowed you the four thousand. You told me i would always be your friend but as soon as you got your social security check you called jessie a cunt for calling me for a ride and made her hate me. I bought all your clothes and got you help for christmas. Than you tell jessie im trying to get rid of this women she is dangerous. You didnt even name. You robbed me blind after i took care of all your bills for three years. You destroyed my credit and i bought you four different cell phones and you said if i did that you would help me claim bancrupcy. Im being sued by everyone because i gave the money to you and you cant even show me how to claim bancrupcy. You lie yo your family about how much adderall and zanax you take. The doses you take could kill you but you dont seem to care. I supported your habit and i was wrong. Im sorry for that. Dont you want to meet your grand kids. Why would you use me? I have never known anyone to all of sudden after three years of me taking care of everything to be so selfish and cruel. At least be honest with your family and get help. I saw what it was doing to you so i got a different doctor and that docter took me off everything. She said there was nothing wrong with me and that the medication was screwing me ip and took me off everything. Now im stuck in a job you asked me to do because i cant go get a real one because you left me without a car. Is there sny more possible damage you can do. I need my friend now more than ever but you are using me as a patsy to get in good with your family and angie used me to. I picked up seth and angies three kids all the time and drove whereever they needed to go and you tell everyone i am a fraud. Do you know how much your hurting me. Do you care how betrayed and used i feel. Jessie reads all your texts snd i have copies from every phone call where you constantly asked me for adderall and zanax. I have proof i can show your family the truth. Is that what you want. Did you tell them you called me a bitch and threw me out of your house?did you tell them you broke into my house anf that you refuse to return my two bikes and other stuff.
